💎June 16, 2024 The Decluttered Soul Pathway Weekly Updates💎Catch up, jump in, stay informed! 📩

The Decluttered Soul

Here's what's happening in the Decluttered Soul Pathway!

Happy Weekend! We hope you are doing something fun, restful, and mindful this weekend!

Check out this week's summary from The Decluttered Soul Pathway. No worries if you missed something; everything is always located in the rolling FEED at the top left of your screen.

June is heating up fast, but you can stay cool as a cucumber when you know you live according to your core values!

Check out the Core Values module, which includes all the resources you need to audit your time management, set boundaries, and evaluate your life based on what matters most to you.

While we have created the roadmap for you, the pace at which you travel is up to you. Do you need to talk to someone about your next steps? Let's do it! Book your spot today!

Did you miss this week's Coffee Chat? 🍮 Catch the recording here.

👏 Thank you for your participation in the community this week. We look forward to all the good things God is doing in your life! 🙌

Take your Sabbath rest this weekend, and we will see you back next week! 🙏🏼 🙌 ⛪️


What You Can Expect Each Week in the Pathway

🌸 Each month will feature a theme or topic to help you clear the clutter, simplify your life, and break free from stress and overwhelm.

🌸 On Monday mornings, we will prompt you to set some intentions for the week.

🌸 On Tuesday, we will encourage you with an inspirational message or decluttering tip.

☕️ Every Wednesday, we go live in Zoomm for our Coffee Chats! Mark your calendars to join us at 12:00 PM Eastern, or catch all the recordings HERE.

On Thursday, Mary will check in Live to see how you are doing and just say "Hi"!

🌸 Friday afternoon, we will check in with you and point you to some resources you may want to check out!

Saturday Recap: catch up on anything you want to watch or read and encourage others in the community.

Sunday: REST!

🌸 Occasionally, we will set up some challenges to help you get a jumpstart in certain areas of your life. We all need a little motivation and community to get things done, so we'll offer support and encouragement as you embark on the journey of decluttering your soul.

We understand that what we're doing here is counter-culture and that it's not popular to say no in order to say yes to the better things.

Our culture preaches, teaches, and promotes hustle and striving.

We know it's easy to lose focus on what matters, to get distracted from the important things.

📌 Set a goal to check in at least once a week with the Decluttered Soul Community so we can all keep each other engaged and accountable as we declutter our souls together!

Thank you for being part of our community!

~Mary & Kerry 🦋


168 Rainbow Dr., 6861, Livingston, TX 77399
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The Decluttered Soul

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