It’s not too late to find your rest: "The Rest of God" Book Study starts soon!

The Decluttered Soul

Join The Decluttered Soul Book Club!

Have you ever had an A-HA moment? That split second when you get clarity over something?

I had that moment when I read this quote:

I do not want to be a woman whose life is marked by hurry. I want to be a woman whose heart is at peace. - Lauren Gaskill

How many moments had I missed because I was in a hurry? How many conversations with loved ones did I lose out on because they sensed my hurried demeanor and pulled back?

How many memories do my children have of busy, hurry, harried mom?

Ugh! I never want to create another memory like that.

Do you know what helped? This book, The Rest of God, by Mark Buchanan. It’s been a pivotal book in my journey from stressed to content.

I saw it on my bookshelf and thought: I should read it again! And then I thought of you. Because so many times you’ve told me that finding rest is something you find elusive.

Imagine yourself finally finding that elusive place of renewal where you can truly connect with God—an internal rest that allows you to cease striving or toiling.

In this study, you'll discover practical ways to create rest in your own life.

You’ll learn:

  • how to calm your mind,
  • remove the taskmasters from your life (even if that is you!)
  • practice the presence of God
  • and how to truly hear his voice

Did I say this book changed my life? Okay, I did, but it bears repeating!

Register for the book study now - we’re starting soon!

But that’s not all! When you join the book club, you can stay for all future book studies. That’s right: pay once, stay as long as you like.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Use this link to register.
  2. Once registered, go to The Decluttered Soul Book Club Facebook group and ask to join. Be sure to use the same email you used to register so we know it’s you!
  3. Purchase a copy of the book. (link provided in the Facebook group).
  4. Download the book study guide (provided in the Facebook group).

That’s it! You’re in!

We’ll be reading and discussing one book per quarter.

Get registered now - The Rest of God begins on August 8th!


See you there!


Mary & Kerry 💞


Quarterly Book Club

Link to purchase the book

Printable guide

Private Facebook group

Weekly video and discussion

Easy to follow

Easy to participate

Today's Price: $29.00


Q: Do I need to attend weekly meetings?

A: No! The book club will take place asynchronously. You read and discuss with others on your schedule on Facebook.

Q: What if I get behind?

A: No worries! The weekly post will always be available in the pinned section of the group.

Q: Will the price go up?

A: No. Once you purchase the Book Club, you stay in for all future book studies and have access to all previous book studies as well (if you join later).

Q: What other books will be featured?

A: We have chosen a few books for future studies, including Abundant Simplicity by Jan Johnson and One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp.

Join Us Today!

Are you ready to declutter your soul and embrace a life of serenity and intention? Click below to sign up for The Decluttered Soul Book Club. We can't wait to welcome you!


168 Rainbow Dr., 6861, Livingston, TX 77399
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The Decluttered Soul

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