🌞Embrace Summer Simplicity with These Decluttering Prompts

The Decluttered Soul


Hi there!

June encourages us to get outside, relax, slow down, simplify, and be in the moment.

Let go of what no longer serves you, both physically and mentally. This is your chance to make room for growth and blossom into your best self!

Here is an affirmation to embrace for June: I am making space in my life for what I want to grow.

It’s important to remember that what you focus on grows, and where your thoughts go, so goes your energy.

Are you ready to stop wasting your mental energy on things that drain and disappoint you and start focusing on making room for what matters?

Start by setting boundaries: Declutter activities that don’t align with your intentions. Be willing to set boundaries and say no. Summer should be a time to linger and rest. If you build too many activities into your schedule, you might find summer passing by faster than you want.

Plan a garage sale — if you feel like it won’t drain your energy: Garage sales can be a fun way to declutter, earn some spending money for summer adventures, and reconnect with neighbors who stop by to see your wares.

I have one caveat here: if the idea of a garage sale feels heavy and life-draining, don’t do it! Quality of life should always reign over your choices instead of the motivation to make a few bucks. You can easily take those unwanted items to a thrift store and be done with them!

Declutter your summer wardrobe and outdoor essentials: Donate or sell clothing you no longer wear or need — consider nursing homes and consignment shops over big-name thrift stores.

Toss expired sunscreen and broken sunglasses, and turn raggy beach towels into dog or car towels.

Evaluate your home decor for a summer vibe: Bring in light, airy elements, and declutter items that create visual noise. Choose candles, incense, and essential oil diffusers to set the mood you want for those relaxing summer evenings.

Declutter your wallet: Remove old receipts and cards, whittle down the credit cards, and throw away unused rewards cards.

Check your credit score: You can do this for free one time per year. Here are the links to the three major credit bureaus. Dispute or inquire about any misinformation or potentially fraudulent activity with your social security number.

Assess your summer reading list: Donate or exchange books you’ve read and won’t revisit. Visit the library for a new library card and consider borrowing books instead of buying them. Check out these memberships to help you save money on books and magazines.

​Kindle Unlimited​

Reflect on health goals: It’s often easier to get active and work on our health goals in the summer because we’re outside more. If you start a walking routine in June, you will be well on your way to an established habit that you won’t likely give up when the cooler weather returns.

Cancel gym memberships or classes that you haven’t used and recommit to a simpler way to stay active. When it comes to fitness, less is more!

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak. — Hans Hofmann

As you seek simplicity this summer, remember that letting go and making space for what matters in your life is the ultimate path to freedom and contentment.

Approach each decluttering exercise with joy and grace, knowing that your path forward is getting clearer and simpler.

Have a wonderful summer, and take some time to declutter your outdoor space and your expectations so you can simplify to amplify!

Ready for more? Download this FREE mental decluttering guide!

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What are your plans for June? Anything amazing? We'd love to hear!

~Mary 💞

Affirmation of the Month

I am making space in my life for what I want to grow.


168 Rainbow Dr., 6861, Livingston, TX 77399
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