🎀 15 Decluttering Prompts for a Mentally Fresh May: Clearing out mental clutter

The Decluttered Soul


Hi there!

May motivates us to implement fresh ideas and set new intentions. Life is being reborn all around us, and there is no better place to start clearing out the cobwebs and outdated ideas than in your own mind.

It’s time to commit to your personal growth!

Are you ready to feel lighter, to let go of things and thoughts that no longer serve you?

What have you outgrown that you can eliminate from your mental clutter?

15 decluttering prompts for mental freshness and clarity

Spring Clean Your Thoughts: Reflect on negative self-talk patterns. Identify limiting beliefs that hold you back and write them down. Then, rewrite them as empowering affirmations.

Let Go of Grudges: Write down past hurts and resentments. Then, visualize letting them go like deflated balloons. It’s time to stop looking back because you’re not going in that direction.

Declutter Your To-Do List: Reassess your commitments. What no longer excites or serves you? Release unrealistic expectations and delegate or eliminate tasks that weigh you down. Practice saying no to these obligations with a friend first if you need support facing someone you feel might try to twist your arm or guilt you into changing your mind.

Unclutter Your Social Media: Identify accounts that drain your energy or don’t inspire you. Unsubscribe from negativity and curate a feed that uplifts and motivates.

Spring Clean Your News Feed: Filter out news sources that contribute to anxiety or stress. Choose to follow positive news sources or take a break from social media and news altogether for a mental refresh.

​Say Goodbye to Your Inner Critic: Can you name your inner critic? What does s/he look like? Our inner critics are usually formed from someone who had authority over us in childhood like a parent, teacher, or even our own critical nature. Picture yourself as that child growing up, growing bold, growing confident, and telling the inner critic to sit down and be quiet!

Mental Detox from Social Comparison and FOMO: Spend a day consciously avoiding comparing yourself to others on social media. Appreciate your unique journey and focus on your growth. Express gratitude and contentment for your journey. Make a list of 50 things that make your life special.

Declutter Your Regrets: Use note cards or a notepad to write down all the past mistakes you dwell on. Accept what happened, burn or shred each card, and consciously forgive yourself and acknowledge what you learned from the experience. Give yourself the same grace you would extend to others. Don’t let regret drown you!

Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable. — Sydney J. Harris

Unclutter Your Worries: Spend 15 minutes daily writing down all your worries. Then, let them go by throwing them away or symbolically tossing them out.

Declutter Your Information Overload: Schedule “tech-free” breaks throughout your day to disconnect from screens and reconnect with yourself. Schedule one day a week to stay off social media.

Mental Inventory — Gratitude Edition: List 5 things you’re grateful for each day. Focus on the positive aspects of your life to cultivate a more optimistic mindset.

Declutter Your Unfinished Projects: Identify projects you’ve abandoned and create a plan to complete them, delegate them, or release yourself from the obligation altogether. These unfinished projects and good intentions are energy drains. Plug up those drains and use your energy to focus on the new goals and intentions you have for your life.

I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions. — Augusten Burroughs

Declutter Your Unhealthy Habits: Identify negative habits that drain your energy or hold you back. Start small and replace them with healthier routines.

Say Goodbye to Energy Vampires: Identify a person or persons in your life that suck your energy and leave you drained. Be clear about the boundaries you are setting for this person and firmly communicate with them.

If you’ve already done this and they’ve not respected your boundaries, cut them off. Yes, you can do it. And no, it’s not mean. Please read this article if you are feeling squeamish about cutting someone out of your life.

Mental Spring Cleaning Ritual: Designate a specific time each week to declutter your thoughts and emotions. Use practices like journaling, meditation, or visualization.

Ready for more? Download this FREE mental decluttering guide!

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Enjoy the month of May!

~Mary đź’ž

Affirmation of the Month

I let go of things that no longer serve me and make space for what I want to grow in my life.


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